A poem by Beverly Stock.
SHAKER style shingle or SHAKER made drink
SINK as in kitchen or swim, if not, SINK
RINGER on a phone or RINGER as in DEAD
HEAD of the house or HEAD of the bed
LIE on the ground or LIE withholding truth
LEAD down the path or LEAD paint near the roof
FAIR maiden behold or a FAIR price when sold
BOW of the boat or can’t BOW ‘cause you’re old
BASS type of fish or BASS a low deep voice
CHOICE to be made or meat labeled CHOICE
ROW an argument or ROW to propel a boat
WAVE moving hand or WAVE on which to float
ENTRANCE the way in or ENTRANCE to emote
DOWN a place lower or DOWN goose feathers fine
MINUTE very tiny or MINUTE a unit of time
Surely, homographs are assigned from scholars above
How else could AGAPE mean Mouth Open or Love?
Homographs have different pronunciation, meanings and origins but the same spelling. They are not to be confused with homonyms, homophones and heteronyms. See www.dictionary.com