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  My Poems  

Covid's Course

A poem by Beverly Stock.

I’m traveling down the Habitrail, Banking, then feeling free, Heading straight for the Jackpot, No Kick Out holes ahead of me. Quickly, use a Kickback, To keep me from the Drain! Oh, to be the Skill Shot mole, Speeding out of the orbit, Captive ball near the Gobble Hole. Circuit Boards flashing wildly Suddenly, a Combo I see, There’s the Scoop, use some grit- It feels like Pinball wizardry, But is just my daily life, Dodging Covid-19’s witchery.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Habitrail - A wire path for the ball. Banking - Rolling on an angled curve. Jackpot - Specially designed point bonus. Kickout - A depression into which a ball can fall. Kickback - Saves the ball from the drain. Drain - An area beneath the flippers. Skill Shot - A bonus for a specific task. Captive Ball - Pinball trapped within a small area. Gobble Hole - A hole in pinball table that ends the game. Circuit Boards - A printed board using conductive pathways. Combo - An immediate combination of different moves. Scoop - A hole that catches the ball.


Beverly Stock is an American poet living in St. Louis. Her work has been published on, at, on Persimmontree.Org, and on the Webzine Lighten Up Online.

Covid's Course

© 2020 Beverly Stock

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